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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Slippers' Words

A slipper has a partner, left or right,

right or left. Together they go,

wherever their goal. When walking,

at times ahead, at times behind

but in pursuit. When resting,

they’re side by side, not apart.

When one is missing,

the other one is miserly.

No worth, no use. What to be done for one,

in the corner insignificant.

Two together, left or right, suit alright.

They have story, they have meaning.

In the night staying,

in the day walking. Every step,

closer to destination, like our farewell tonight.

If we never meet again,

wherever this trip takes us,

a day will come; in our travel, we will understand –

like a slipper easily worn out, like us having a stop,

but remember; you or I, left or right,

have a partner.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Tribute to 2008 UPeace Graduates

From a Mt. Olympus-like El Rodeo,

With Mercurian and Hermetic gift, bestowed

Power and mission to seek truth;


Down the hill, onto the world

Be resolute.

Ready to start anew,

Refusing no invitation;


Down the hill, onto the world

Where no wind blows

Welcome the discomfort

No place wherein you're not;


Down the hill, onto the world

Do not look back. (I won't be around.)

Do not look far beyond. (I won't be there.)

Do not look for me, either;

I am,

Down the hill, onto the world

See me, lose me, find yourself,

In peace, love, hope, change.

Be them, live them;

I remain,

Down the hill, onto the world.

Finding you in your absence

Children's laughter in the air

Songs of hope in vespers

Everything so familiar

Except for one,

Where are you, my love?

Shopping in frenzy for discounts

Gifts wrapped for loved ones

Names so familiar

Except for one,

Where are you, my love?

Years passed without you

By my side you used to

But now it's been familiar

Except for one,

I find you in the absence of your love.

Dead Star: A Love Lost

I may be a dead star

Shunned by the beholder looking for a wrong one

Or withheld of a bestowed light in a waning time.

Yes, I may be a dead star

Lost its energy to capture an awed eye

And left to trifle solely in a spotless sky

With the countless dead others by and by.

Now I am a dead star

Buried in the heart of a mind

Yet blinking in the mind of a heart.